Middle School: Final Roster

24 Feb by Coach Bradshaw

Here is the final roster for the 2024 Brookville Middle School Boys Soccer team.

Please see the information below the roster for more information:
Bentley Saunders 8th
Carlos Espinoza 7th
Carlitos Lainez-Rivera 7th
Cassius Brown 6th
Charlie Birnschein 7th
Christian Simmons 8th
Elliot Kwong 6th
Isaac Hart 6th
Joshua Dickey 6th
Kaleb McCoy 8th
Kolby McCoy 8th
Krishna Agarwal 8th
Levi Glenn 7th
Liam Anderson 6th
Logan Dowdy 7th
Lucas Hardiman 7th
Matias Milla 8th
Parker Stickle 7th
Vaden Kapule 7th
Warren Coleman 7th
Xavier Moore 7th

1st Alternate: Kenji Knight 8th

This has been a very difficult decision and we really appreciate all the boys coming out and working hard. There is a large group of 6th graders that show potential and that we wish could join us to continue training and improving for the future, but with our limited space available, we hope they continue to play this Spring and Fall in other leagues and come back next year ready to play!

Players or parents are welcome to email me at BrookvilleBeesSoccer@gmail.com for more information regarding tryouts and how their player can improve, or about Spring/Fall seasons, at-home work, camps, additional training, etc. I and all the coaches want to see all these players back next Spring!

Coach Bradshaw

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